January 13, 2008

Religiously Traditional

The Minister and I are religiously traditional.

Mainly, this means that we ascribe to the ancient religious views of Christianity. This means that we can recite the Apostle's creed while agreeing with it on every point. Every point, that is, that we understand; but The Minister encourages me not to enter a discussion about the knowable-ness of Eternal beings, for that may fail to fall under the category of the Hilarium to which this blog is dedicated.

However, we also find this to mean that we are not only traditional in our religion, but religious in our tradition. We (mainly I, actually, for given the nature of the Minister, his physical activities are very limited) find that we do not stray from our tradition without great upheaval to shake us from it.

Peanut Butter and Strawberry Jam Sandwiches....
Cheerios (the plain variety, with no milk, eaten with fingers)...
Putting on my headphones when sitting at my computer, but steadfastly forgetting to turn on music...
Reading on the couch (even though I know that a soft surface combined with a large, dry book is a wonderful recipe for a soporific effect)...

Some say that variety is the spice of life. I submit that while spices are all very nice and tasty, they are still rather unedible without a hearty companion diet of tradition. Religious Tradition!

We find that funny.

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