January 21, 2008


(disclaimer: After I wrote this, The Minister reminded me that the word in question may also be used rather vulgarly. This is not the intention. Read this post as innocently as you can. It is kind of funny that I didn't remember that earlier... ah well...more Hilarium ad Infinitum, no?)

The word "nut" is hilarious.

Let us explain.

First of all, the word, "nut" has many different meanings. This makes this word very, very useful in the realm of puns. You can say "I love nuts" and mean that you enjoy almonds and cashews, even though you are in the midst of conversation about "nutty" people, and no one will be the wiser, though they may think you slightly crazy. Conversely, you make the same remark in a conversation about Walnuts and Macadamia nuts and mean something different, and, since your companion conversants are totally in the dark about the sudden change of meaning, after a few more minutes, you will totally surprise them by referencing how people's quirks make them lovable.

A rather more obscure way that nuts are funny is that they are inherently (in a mind steeped in Walt Disney's classic animated animal films) connected with Squirrels. No one can deny that squirrels are funny. The best way of picturing a nut, is in the hands of a chattering squirrel, and, if you will excuse me for being completely frank, a chattering squirrel makes me double over in hilarity.

I, for the most part deplore the recent film, "Ice Age", but, apart from the amazing computer animation and the unique story idea, the only reason that I watch such a movie, is because of the Squirrel. Even though the filmmakers have misplaced the nut, and instead made the object of this antediluvian squirrel's affection an acorn, the symbolism and humor remains, and, if you wish to see the source of this particular part of the hilarity of the word "nut," you must seek it there.

For a third reason, "nut" can also be used in the plural if one, like myself and the Minister, wishes to refrain from rude language, and express disappointment. In this case, one can take from the squirrelian, and just say, "Nuts!"

And we think that sounds funny...

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