January 17, 2008

It's Either Me or You, John.
Locusts and Honey a la Puppet

According to my Google Glossary search,
a puppet is:

  • a small figure of a person operated from above with strings by a puppeteer
  • creature: a person who is controlled by others and is used to perform unpleasant tasks for someone else
  • a doll with a hollow head of a person or animal and a cloth body; intended to fit over the hand and be manipulated with the fingers

While The Minister and I have no experience with the first kind, though that sounds much more interesting than the others, we do have significant experience with the third kind. Let us describe a typical encounter with these puppets:
(this is in the setting of my church, where most of my experience comes from)
  1. I am inexplicably volunteered to be part of a "Puppet sketch" that will wow adults and entertain and teach children.
  2. I decline gracefully.
  3. I am told that I am the only one for the job, getting comments like, "You have a great voice!" or "Your arms are so nice and long, you would be great!" or, better yet, "You're a strong young man, you can take it. (this comment sometimes incorporates a hefty slap on the back, or a perusal of my biceps).
  4. I politely refuse again, giving the legitimate excuse that I am much too busy on the time when this "puppet sketch" is to be performed.
  5. My excuses are politely ignored.
  6. I explicate the text of my excuse, outlining the three specific jobs that I already do at the time in question.
  7. The excuses are once again ignored.
  8. A few days after occurrences 1-7 take place, I receive an email or phone message that tells me a time and a place where practice for this performance is going to begin.
  9. Inexplicably, I show up for the practice.
  10. I arrive and find that the script is "Really more like guidelines than actual rules" and that the "puppets" with which I am to wow adults and entertain kids are a motley crew, ranging from a wild-haired man slightly reminiscent of John the Baptist (I can almost hear him say, "Locusts a la honey, anyone?"), a chimpanzee, and a man originally dressed as a knight, who went through a rather harsh wardrobe change, and has resigned himself to wearing a modern-day business suit (his Lancelot-esque beard is still very visible on his face).
  11. I quickly remember, once we start, just how tiring it is to sit in a baptismal with your arm in the air, moving your thumb (but not your fingers...try this, it's hard) in sync with the scri...er...guideline, and trying not to make the poor cloth-man in whose mouth your fingers are putting words look "unnatural."
  12. I realize how uncomfortable it is to be doing all that is mentioned above while trying to speak in Walter Cronkite's voice into a small microphone hanging from a towel.
  13. My arm goes limp.
  14. My mind fades into oblivion.
  15. I agree to perform on the following Sunday
Now, think about the second definition of "puppet."
Overall, who does the term "puppet" apply to better: John the Baptist, or me?

The Minister finds that funny....

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