June 25, 2008

Twenty-four years ago...

War was not Peace, Freedom was not Slavery, Ignorance was not Strength, 2+2 did not ever equal 5, God was not power, and Reality was objective.

But if you don't want to have the urge to throw a book against the wall, read That Hideous Strength instead, and don't damage your soul.

We do not find this book funny...at all.

(Disclaimer: George Orwell, no doubt, wrote this book in order that he might unseat the horrendous ideological atrocities to which his character falls prey. However, depressing stories don't generally make me want to read them over and over again... the book is still significant, probably very significant, but just don't make me say I like it.)

After all, Isn't the dream of Narnia so much better than the reality of the sunless land anyhow?

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